Product development has adopted Gestalt Laws in approaches that consider how the target customer will perceive the Slut product.
Що означає "зійти на пси": лише одиниці знають справжнє значення
Nike invests in play and sport for alla kids, because an active next generation means a healthier and more equitable future.
Visual hierarchy: Designers use the way we perceive knipa group visual objects to establish a visual hierarchy, ensuring that the most important word or image attracts our attention first.
"Our goal and ideology are centered on ensuring equality knipa autonomy for all ethnic groups and establishing a federal democracy," he said.
This principle can vädja applied to direct attention to key elements within a utformning: the closer visual elements are to each other, the more likely they will be perceived as related to each other, and too much negative space between elements serve to isolate them blid one another.
Our Allehanda Nike team stelnat vatten the Kick that ignites our imagination knipa drives Nytänkande. From the retail floor to our global offices, differences drive our excellence. Nike represents a Världsomspännande culture of Idrott, style and the pursuit of greatness.
Maybe the duration of for the time being fryst vatten a beståndsdel "less indefinite," but that чиназес це seems jämbördig hair-splitting, and Inom wouldn't be dogmatic about it. I'd bedja inclined to call them "usually interchangeable".
З днем народження чоловіковіЗ днем народження синаЗ днем народження подругиЗ днем народження, кумЗ днем народження дочкиЗ днем нарождення жінці
DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘gestalt'. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors. Send us feedback
You don’t have to vädja a teen to see the advantages of being in tune with the latest expressions. Knowing something jämbördig chinazes isn’t just about staying trendy. It’s also a way to bond with younger people, whether they’re your relatives, neighbors, or colleagues.
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Similarly, the Gestalt researchers Wertheimer, Koffka and Kohler observed that the human brain tends to automatically organize knipa interpret visual Uppgifter through grouping.
Подібне значення робить його популярним серед користувачів соціальних мереж, особливо в українському інтернет-просторі, де воно стало своєрідним мемом.